Watch: India’s startup stars

With a large young population, it is only natural that India’s growth in the next few years will be powered by its youth. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the world of business, where the best and brightest young minds have either built disruptive companies, or are running businesses which would power the country’s economy forward. Fortune India’s annual 40 Under 40 list identifies and highlights such talent, bringing into focus the stellar work done by some of the country’s sharpest young entrepreneurs, fund managers and corporate executives.

The Covid-19 pandemic has failed to dampen the spirit of this young lot, whose ventures are backed by marquee companies. Take for example Facebook-backed Meesho, which pioneered the social commerce trend six years ago, and turned unicorn in April. It pivoted to the online grocery segment last year because of the pandemic, and now considers it the next big category.

Then there’s healthcare startup Pristyn Care, founded by three fast friends. The startup’s asset-light model and focus on patient care has made it a significant player in the space.

What lies ahead for these enterprising young Indians? Watch the show.

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