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Ashu Suyash, 

Managing director and CEO, CRISIL
age: 52
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The joke in the credit rating industry is to ask if an agency’s CEO is in the office or asked to go on leave. That’s because the past year has been tumultuous for the industry, with many agencies coming under the media and regulatory glare. “It is a matter of pride for us that CRISIL stood tall in this storm,” says Suyash. “And as a liquidity crunch hit the non-bank sector in late 2018, our industry-leading ratings quality and analytical rigour keep us in good stead.” Suyash says the past year saw CRISIL increasing its market share of bond issuances, closing new deals with some marquee corporate groups, and capitalising on existing client relationships. It reflected in the numbers too. CRISIL’s revenue from the ratings division on a consolidated basis grew 6.6% to ₹507.3 crore in FY18 from ₹480.29 crore in FY17 (it follows a January-December accounting year) and its operating profits rose 21.8% from ₹151.2 crore in FY17 to ₹184.17 crore in FY18. “We also on-boarded a large number of new corporate clients, which gives us further avenues to grow our business,” she adds.