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Vandana Luthra, 

Founder & Mentor, VLCC Healthcare
age: 53
Most Powerful Women Logo
The vanity business is a Rs 20,000 crore indus - try growing across metros and small towns alike. The Rs 700 crore Vandana Lu - thra Curls and Curves has a network spread over 300 centres in 121 cities across 16 countries. Luthra is expanding her fran - chise model to smaller towns such as Bhat - inda, Tirupur, and Ahmednagar. Last year, she started centres in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and expanded VLCC’s presence in Doha, Qatar. There are also plans to acquire Malaysian player Wyann. Luthra prides her - self not just on 57% increase in profits for the past year but her team of over 50 R&D personnel who work on new products, such as an “anti-pollution” skin care range.