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Ashu Suyash, 

CEO & managing director, Crisil
age: 42
Most Powerful Women Logo
In the two years she’s been at the helm of Crisil, Suyash has left her mark at the organisation. Keeping up with the times, she ensured that Crisil harnesses Big Data and automation. She says the company invested in research and analytics platforms such as Quantix and SMART, a financial research platform powered by cognitive automation, enabling faster decision-making. She has also kickstarted initiatives to promote innovation and leadership among the 4,000 strong workforce of Crisil. The company has also rated several new financial instruments such as India’s first hybrid issuance in the insurance sector, the first infrastructure debt fund, and an innovative partially guaranteed debenture issue. Suyash has also been able to position Crisil’s risk and infrastructure solutions business as an expert in the Smart Cities project. Besides this, Crisil issued 3,230 new bank loan ratings (BLRs) and non- BLRs, and 18,000 SME performance ratings during the calendar year 2016. CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory also expanded geographically, winning mandates in Africa as well as deepening its involvement in the Mekong region of Southeast Asia with large mandates in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.