Millennials need a fresh set of skills to succeed
In a post-pandemic economy, millennials urgently need new skill sets to help navigate them through the choppy waters of this new world. Things are no longer the way they were before.
In a post-pandemic economy, millennials urgently need new skill sets to help navigate them through the choppy waters of this new world. Things are no longer the way they were before.
Set your personal vision and you will start finding many opportunities right where you are.
Indian companies are fast realising that they have to support Innovation in order to retain talent.
Faced with a dearth of engineers, core sector industries are desperately trying to woo and train talent.
Tight timelines for hiring and cost-consciousness often tempt recruiters to go easy on checks and verification.
Having selected top talent, it becomes hard work to draw out its potential, develop its capabilities further and satisfy it to make it want to stay.
India INC. has become the new battleground of generations, gender, caste, and community, resulting in the creation of a distinctly Indian work culture.
CEOs in India can no longer afford to turn down the need for a little handholding.
Gir pioneered large-scale induction of women into the ranks of forest guards. They have beaten back poachers and all doubts over women’s ability to negotiate the jungle.