opinion Pandemic woes for women: To work or not to work? The transition to the work-from-home model has not been seamless for women. Result: Figures suggest that women in large numbers are leaving the workforce. This needs to be acknowledged. By Bhavna Dalal
opinion The need for connection while working remotely It is important for leaders to connect with their team members who are working from home. Here’s how to do it. By Bhavna Dalal
opinion Women and their relationship with power When women discover how to step into their power, they become more emotionally mature, stronger, independent, balanced, and better leaders. By Bhavna Dalal
opinion A masked form of sexism Benevolent sexism represents gender evaluations that may appear subjectively positive, but in reality, are damaging to people and gender equality at a broader scale. By Bhavna Dalal
opinion Learning to be ordinary in extraordinary times The need to have faith and remain in the present moment is now needed more than ever before. By Bhavna Dalal